Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Natural Burial?

While working at the Catholic Cemeteries booth at the FEST, I received many questions regarding natural burials. People wanted to know what they are, how they work, and where they take place. After reflecting on this, I realized many people might be curious about this burial option but haven’t had the chance to learn about it. If that’s you, here’s your opportunity to find out more!

What is a natural burial?: A natural burial allows human remains to be buried directly into the surrounding soil and decompose naturally.

What is the difference between natural and traditional burials?: Natural burials are similar to any other burial. However, they remove many elements of traditional burials, such as embalming fluids and non-biodegradable casket materials, making them more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Are natural burials performed at a designated cemetery?: Natural burials are only performed in the natural burial section at All Souls Cemetery.

What types of burials are permitted in the natural burial area?: Full-body and cremation burials are permitted in the natural burial area. The deceased may be buried in a biodegradable full-body container or a biodegradable urn. A concrete interment cover is required for both full-body and cremation burials. It is open at the bottom and protects the human remains. We also offer above-ground cremation options in the form of boulder niches.

Are natural burials accepted by the Catholic Church?: Yes, this is an entirely acceptable burial option within the Catholic Church!

Why do people choose this burial option?: Many people are opting for this burial option for several different reasons. Here are a few:

  1. Environmental Considerations: As previously mentioned, natural burials allow us to respect and uphold the natural cycle of life and death while minimizing the environmental impact.
  2. Connection to Nature: Many individuals are drawn to the idea of returning to the earth more directly and organically. Natural burials take place in serene, natural settings, providing a sense of peace and a deep connection to the environment.

Whichever burial type you choose, it is important to remember that you should choose the burial option that is right for you or your loved ones. In making that choice, you not only find peace for the departed but also provide comfort and closure for those left behind.

Written By: Paige Muttillo | Marketing Manager | Catholic Cemeteries Association

5 thoughts on “What is a Natural Burial?”

  1. Where exactly is the natural burial site located I have many loved ones buried at All souls in Chardon Thank you

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